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Who we are

Born in 2020, we’re a small business that helps fill the gap between finding comfy, cozy,
trendy clothes for boys and getting them at affordable prices. Our range of products
is meant for your little one's perfect look without compromising on style or quality.

Our founder

Meet Valarie

“Being a twin mom and a proud small business owner, I know it takes great strength and dedication
to do everything perfectly. Sometimes it could feel daunting, but my passion to do my best keeps me going.

I started this business because when I was a new mom, I struggled to find baby boy clothes which were trendy yet affordable. So, I made it my mission to make boy moms’ life easier with a boutique just for boys.”

Story behind our name

The most beautiful stories begin with love and loss, and ours too. Our small business is named after the first baby we lost due to pregnancy complications at 23 weeks. We dedicate this to him and promise to give it our all.

What do we stand for

Every product that we offer comes from a passionate place in my heart. And as a small and proud mompreneur, our goal is always to be known as a brand that’s strong, kind and equal towards all. And we believe that the best is yet to come. So, let’s keep growing into a happy and healthy family.